GAI Official Relocation to Africa Statement:



GAI Official Relocation to Africa Statement:

It is necessary to note the clarification of the position of "Great Awakening International" regarding the diaspora’s return and relocating to the Continent of Africa.

It is our sense that any party or mishpacha who wishes to relocate to Africa should follow their personal conviction and desire based on their resources and ability to do so. However, it should not be construed that because you are unable to relocate due to resources or other factors that you are somehow in disobedience and out of the will of Yahuah. Nothing could be further from the truth. Although we will support anyone's decision or conviction to relocate, we do not support the notion that to relocate to Africa at this time is adherence to end-time prophesy.

For those who feel, out of personal desirability or conviction, led to relocate to the continent; this position is not out of the scope of GAI’s vision. GAI’s vision is to build set-apart driven communities not only on the continent of Africa, but in America, Caribbeans, South America and other continents where the diaspora are geographically situated.

The vision includes establishing Hebraic Off-Grid Hebraic Communities throughout world to facilitate points of connection, galvanize our resources, distance ourselves from grid dependency, live together in true community, and support each other as a means to survive in the eschatological-end-times events. Each Hebraic Community will consist of the following: Off Grid Living, Residential Community, Campgrounds w/ Cabins, Farmland, Multi-Purpose Worship Facility, Community Heritage Hall, Food Processing Facility, Body of Water, Recreation / Community Center, ASATS School / Hebrew Academy International, Storage Facility, Barn House, Solar Field, Business & Heritage Center, Healing & Health Center.

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