Are you considering starting a Hebrew Torah-Observant and Ruach-Filled Assembly in your area? Here are the benefits of joining the Great Awakening Family of Assemblies:
- Be a part of something larger!
- World-Class Training that includes hands-on, face-to-face time with the Great Awakening team
- Ongoing Leadership Development and Hebraic Education at the Hebrew Academy International
- Covenant Relational Bond (Develop a brotherhood with like-minded awakened achs around the world)
- Connect to an organized fellowship of Assemblies
- Inter-Assembly Care
- No dominating assembly or groups of assemblies
- Monthly Council Meetings for Morehs a part of the Great Awakening to confront current doctrinal and theological issues together.
- A forum for providing you with advice when questions and controversies arose
- Opportunity for exciting and confident involvement in worldwide missions to the dispersed of Israel
- Financial Resources to Start and Operate Assembly
- Assistance in Finding and Maintaining a Place for Worship
- Free Sanctuary and Office Furniture for Assembly
- Assembly Website Design and Maintenance
- Graphic Work to Market Assembly
- Material to Train Leaders
- Free Tracks and Witnessing Material to help spread the Great News (Gospel and Hebrew Heritage) in your City
- Free Legal Representation(Awakened Attorney on Retainer)
- 24-7 Ministry Support
- Access to Dr. Kenneth Howard
- All the assemblies watch over one another with loving consideration and mutual care for the sake of purity of doctrine, for tangible demonstrations of love, and for edifying communication. The responsibilities given to members of a local assembly (1 Corinthians 12:12, 29) are the pattern to be applied to the relationships between our assemblies. The Great Awakening will practice this type of inter-assembly care. As no Israelite is an island, so no assembly is an island. We need one another in a vital connection of fellowship.
- A formally organized fellowship of assemblies has a formal bond that will hold it together when difficulties arise. It stays organized as a family of assemblies. This bond is seen in the difference between an informal Bible study that can disintegrate in a moment and a covenant assembly that may lose some members during times of trial but continues as an assembly because of those committed in covenant together.
- This organized relationship and fellowship provides a constancy of privileges, responsibilities, and accountability for covenant assemblies that otherwise cannot be experienced. The Great Awakening does not organize only for special occasions or projects, nor is the flow of information to be unplanned or occasional. We are a family that has a continual relationship in Mashiach.
- The assemblies meet annually in the Great Awakening MEGA Conference to enjoy fellowship in a way that enhances relationships, order, and a corporate vision to serve YHUH faithfully.
- Every assembly may participate in all levels of fellowship and cooperation in the life of the Great Awakening. There is to be no dominating assembly or groups of assemblies in the Great Awakening. Each church is of equal value in the Mashiach.
- The information network of the Great Awakening includes news from every assembly. It goes to all the assemblies so that a mutual care may be given to all.
- This mutual care among the assemblies is like the care to be given between members of the same local body of believers. As member assemblies, we are “members one of another” in need of mutual, sustained care.
- The Great Awakening will have Council Meeting for Morim only to confront current theological issues together. We need one another in order to distinguish between truth and error and to strengthen one another as we earnestly contend for the faith that was once delivered to the saints (Jude 3). This was worked out effectively in the days of the Apostles as recorded in Acts 15.
- The Great Awakening Assemblies will formally joined together after the examples in Scripture in order to have a forum for providing one another with advice when questions and controversies arose (Acts 15:1,6,24,28; 16:4ff.), for giving and receiving during times of poverty (1 Corinthians 16:3; Romans 15:26), for sending gifted achs for the edification of the assemblies in need of the same (Acts 11:22), and for choosing messengers to accomplish work for YHUH (2 Corinthians 8:19).
- The Great Awakening provides member assemblies with the opportunity for exciting and confident involvement in worldwide missions to the dispersed of Israel. It is such for every assembly, even the smallest because we work together. We can do so much more together than we can do separately.
- Having an established, incorporated mission initiative opens doors of opportunity around the world, especially with foreign governments.
- Through the Great Awakening, the needs to plant assemblies and world missions efforts are communicated, assistance is coordinated, and accountability is provided.
- We also cooperate in training men and women for ministry in the Awakening movement, a work that is often beyond the abilities of individual assemblies. The various areas of Hebraic education and theological training needed to prepare people for the ministry require some who have devoted themselves to concentrated study in order to teach morehs in these disciplines.
- We have Hebrew Academy of Detroit training on behalf of the assemblies of our Network of Assemblies. The formal Hebraic education setting provides quality education and training in the Hebrew faith,
These are many of the benefits that morehs and Hebraic-specific assemblies enjoy as they join themselves together with other assemblies of like mind in such a family of assemblies. It is our commitment in the Great Awakening to maintain the independency of each local assembly while being formally connected in interdependency with one another.