Sharat H.E.L.P.S. & S.H.A.P.E. Training
Dear Beloved Mishpakha,
We want to take a moment to reflect on a significant training regarding supporting our local assemblies and worship hubs —the Ministry of Helps—and to share an exciting opportunity for growth and service within GAI.
"And YAHUAH hath set some in the church, first apostles, secondarily prophets, thirdly teachers, after that miracles, then gifts of healings, HELPS, governments, diversities of tongues." 1 Corinthians 12:28
Helps is mentioned as one of the ministry gifts following miracles and gifts of healings! Many Morim and Liaisons today are burdened with the day-to-day tasks required to keep the assembly/worship hub functioning.
Morim of local Assemblies and Liaisons of Worship Hubs are familiar with all the responsibilities and have become proficient at being all things to all people, while covering everything possible that can go wrong or needs attention during a worship gathering. Interestingly enough, that is not the mandate of their purpose. YAHUAH has made provision for the many tasks that are required to keep the Assembly/Worship running efficiently and it is called the Ministry of Helps.
This role is crucial as it plays a vital part in the smooth functioning of our Assemblies and worship hubs. Many of our Morim (teachers) and Liaisons are currently carrying an immense burden, attending to the myriad responsibilities that arise during our gatherings. While their commitment is commendable, it is essential to recognize that their primary focus should be on prayer and the ministry of the Word, as we see in Acts 6:1-4.
Acts 6:1-4
1 Now at this time while the disciples were increasing {in number,}a complaint arose on the part of the Hellenistic {Jews} against the {native} Hebrews, because their widows were being overlooked in the daily serving {of food.} 2 And the twelve summoned the congregation of the disciples and said, “It is not desirable for us to neglect the word of YAHUAH in order to serve tables. 3 “But select from among you, brethren, seven men of good reputation, full of the Ruach and of wisdom, whom we may put in charge of this task.
4 “But we will devote ourselves to prayer, and to the ministry of the word.”
The essence of the Ministry of Helps is to support our Morim, allowing them to concentrate on their duty to teach the Torah. This ministry encompasses a range of roles, including psalmists, intercessors, and local Zekenim, all working in harmony to ensure that the assembly or worship hub operates effectively.
The ministry of helps—helps to get the job done. We see this in the ministry of Yahusha when He fed the five thousand. He instructed the twelve to seat everyone in groups. Then He broke the bread and the fish and gave it to the disciples. They, in turn, gave it to the multitudes. They helped Yahusha do the job.
Just like the disciples who assisted Yahusha in feeding the five thousand, those involved in the Ministry of Helps are integral to fulfilling the vision of GAI.
The moment the ministry of helps ceases to be a help anymore, is the moment it becomes a hindrance instead.
HELPS could be defined as: "H" having, "E" enough, "L" loving, "P" people, "S" serving. Helps is a ministry, an assignment, or a duty to serve others. It doesn't matter if you usher, are a greeter, in sound/media, work in youth, children's, or nursery you are serving YAHUAH in your local worship hub or assembly. You are serving and helping Him build His Assembly
We must remember that the moment the Ministry of Helps ceases to be a support, it can become a hindrance. Therefore, it is vital that we foster a culture of service within our Mishpakha. This is where the upcoming 8-week course developed by Dr. Ken and Morah Tawana Howard comes into play. This course is designed to equip and empower Mishpacha in the local assemblies and worship hubs to understand and embrace their sharat roles within Helps.
Throughout the course, participants will delve into the scriptural foundations of servanthood, the values and principles that govern an assembly, and the practical aspects of serving effectively. By the end of this course, each participant will be assigned to an area or ministry that aligns with YAHUAH’s calling on their lives, as well as their strengths and skills.
The course will take place on the following Sundays at 6:00 PM EST:
- November 3, 2024
- November 10, 2024
- November 17, 2024
- November 24, 2024
- December 1, 2024
- December 8, 2024
- December 15, 2024
- December 22, 2024
I encourage each of you to take part in this transformative opportunity. Please reach out to your local Lead Moreh or Liaison for the registration link and additional details.
Let us come together to strengthen our understanding of service and to support one another in building YAHUAH’s Assembly. Your willingness to serve is a testament to your love for YAHUAH and His people.
In His Service,
Melek Moshe & Morah Tawana