Introduction, Selection Qualifications, and Roles to The Great Awakening Guardian Team
A guardian representative leads each Council. The 9 Council Guardians are called the Shomrim Leaders. The Shomrim (Guardians) develop vision formation, execute vision refinement, delegate vision execution, develop strategies, give council reports & updates, and work symbiotically to make final pivotal decisions for the greater good of Great Awakening International.
The Guardian Team (Shomrim Leaders) is to be responsible for the governance of Great Awakening International management, and operations and to serve as GAI’s Board of Directors, having charge of all matters pertaining to Articles of Incorporation, all documents of legal organization, property, and finances of the Great Awakening International. The Guardians Council shall exercise all powers subject to the provisions and limitations of the Torah, bylaws, and any other applicable laws.
The Guardians of the Great Awakening International is that body authorized to serve in a board of directors role and directs the overall direction of the units of the Great Awakening. This Team shall consist of Guardians appointed by the Team itself, subject to affirmation by the Morim, Morot, Executive, Worship Hub, Ministry, Zekenim, Academy, and Ema’ot Councils. All Great Awakening International Guardians are deemed seasoned leaders and are in good standing with Great Awakening International.
The Shomrim is designed to establish a setting whereby key leaders in GAI can interface, communicate, and share trends, developments, and concerns in regard to their area of service. The Shomrim was created to reinforce and reiterate GAI’s vision, mission, and objectives throughout our community.
Scriptural Support:
Shamar, verb “to GUARD” (Strong’s 8104); shimmur, “a watching” or “a vigil”, masculine noun (Strong’s 8107); SHOMRAH, “guardian/guard” feminine noun (Strong’s 8108). [Note: There are two other Hebrew words that often get translated as “to guard”… sakak, which is a verb “to cover or shelter” (Strong’s 5526); and natsar, which is a keeper, observer, or watchguard (5341).
- Genesis 3:24 So He drove the man out, and at the east of the Garden of Eden, He stationed the cherubim and the flaming sword which turned every direction to GUARD [li-sh’mohr לִשְׁמֹ֕ר] the way to the tree of life.
- 1 Chron 9:24 The GUARDIANS were stationed on four sides east, west, north, and south.
- 2 Kgs 11:6"Here's what we'll do: A third of you will enter here on this coming Sabbath dressed as GUARDIANS of the watch for the king's palace, with a third of you at the Sur gate, and a third at the gate behind the guards. Keep watch over the palace and defend it.
- 2 Kgs 10:7 Now the king's sons, totaling 70 men, were living with the leading men of the city, who were their GUARDIANS.
- 2 Kgs 10:5 So the overseer of the palace, the overseer of the city, the elders, and the GUARDIANS sent a message to Jehu: “We are your servants, and we will do whatever you tell us. We will not make anyone king. Do whatever you think is right.”
The Guardian Team (Shomrim Leaders) represents and is the chief leader of 8 Councils. The 8 Council are:
- Morim Council
- Zekenim Council
- Executive Council
- Morot Council
- E’ma Council
- Academy Council
- Ministry Council
- Worship Hub Council
- Alumim Council
These Councils, consisting of a team of 3-10 persons, will meet separately and regularly to oversee their delegated activities, groups, and responsibilities in the Great Awakening International. Each Council will be headed by a Shomrim representative leader.
These 9 Council leaders make up the Guardian Team (Shomrim Leaders). It is necessary for the Shomrim Leaders meet as needed with Dr. Howard to advise, discuss vision formation, develop strategies, give reports & updates, and to help the Guardians make final pivotal decisions.
Responsibilities of the Guardian’s Council:
- Governance: The Guardian Team serves as the governing body responsible for overseeing the management, operations, vision, and strategic direction of Great Awakening International. In essence, they function as GAI’s Board of Directors, holding authority over matters pertaining to our Articles of Incorporation, legal documents, property management, spiritual matters, and financial stewardship.
- Legal and Ethical Framework: All decisions and actions of the Guardians Team are guided by the principles and limitations set forth in Torah, our organization’s bylaws, and applicable laws.
- Support: The Guardian Team exist to give all GAI entities a deeper sense of belonging, usefulness, understanding of the importance of their roles and to create a strong support system among GAI’s leaders
- Communication: The Guardian Team exists to establish a broader communication base for GAI to draw all leaders, entities, ministries, and Councils together. This ensures that no specific GAI entity becomes isolated and understands the overall flow of GAI. Such communication establishes a voice and sounding board for every area in GAI. This sets a platform for idea exchanges for all councils, teams, committees, and ministries functioning within GAI
- Relationship: The Guardian Team serves as a catalyst to draw every leader closer together in relationship and duty; pray and to discuss challenges, solutions, and praises, share weakness and strengths, opportunities, and threats throughout GAI.
Appointment and Qualification Criteria:
- Leadership Evaluation: Prospective leaders are rigorously evaluated through a leadership assessment process. This includes a requirement of a minimum of two years in a prior leadership role within an assembly, ensuring candidates have demonstrated competence and commitment.
- Leadership & Assembly Endorsement: Feedback from former spiritual leaders or Lead Moreh regarding the candidate’s prior leadership experience is sought to provide additional insight and validation of their qualifications.
- Spiritual and Qualitative Standards: Members of the Guardians Team must exhibit evident spiritual maturity, leadership acumen, sound judgment, and a proven track record of accomplishment within the Great Awakening International community. They are expected to demonstrate Messianic beliefs, adherence to Torah observance, and a passionate commitment to the Awakening Movement through previous service in local GA Assemblies.
- Guardians must be those individuals who have served in a leadership capacity within GAI for at least a period of two (2) full years before being considered to be a member of the Guardian Team.
- Guardians must be those individuals of obvious spiritual quality and leadership who are mature, have sound judgment, have a proven record of accomplishment as leaders within the Great Awakening International, and have successful experience in envisioning and strategic planning for the future.
- The Guardian Team (Shomrim Leaders)member should show evidence of being Messianic, Torah-Observant, a passion and works of the Awakening Movement by prior service in a local GAI Local Assembly.
- He/She should aspire to the Team and be willing and able to commit to the necessary meetings required for the Guardians Team business (demonstrated by their fulfillment of such requirements in previous roles or responsibilities).
- He/she should be willing to promote and support the Great Awakening International in word, deed and financial commitment.
- Guardians must be excellent communicators, skilled motivators, and teachers, self-motivated and devoted to continuous learning.
- Further, Guardians must be capable of understanding and working within sound guidelines, signs NDA (non-disclosure agreement), be sensitive to the needs of others, and be able and willing to embrace diversity within GAI.
It is desirable that the Guardians Team reflect the diversity of the Great Awakening International.
Additional Qualifications and Skills:
- Commitment: Guardians must be willing and able to dedicate themselves to the responsibilities of the Shomrim Leadership, including attendance at meetings and financial support of Great Awakening International.
- Communication and Leadership: Effective communication, motivational skills, teaching ability, self-motivation, and a commitment to continuous learning are essential attributes.
Duties and Responsibilities:
- Spiritual Leadership: Guardians exercise spiritual and pastoral authority to cultivate a unified vision for Great Awakening International, prepare for future challenges, and guide our strategic direction. The Guardians shall exercise spiritual authority to build a shared vision for the Great Awakening International, prepare Great Awakening International for the future, and support GAI’s strategic direction.
- Representation: They serve as official representatives in public and community relations, offering oversight and support to Assemblies, Worship Hubs, and other Communities of the Great Awakening International. Guardians also provide consultation on matters related to our community’s development and fulfill ceremonial duties as required. The Guardians serve as official representatives of the Great Awakening in the areas of public and community relations; provide oversight of and support to the Communities of the Great Awakening International.
In conclusion, the Guardians Council plays a pivotal role in ensuring the spiritual vitality, ethical governance, and sustainable growth of Great Awakening International. Their dedication to upholding our values, fostering unity, and steering us toward a future guided by faith and wisdom is indispensable.
Should you have any questions or seek further clarification regarding the Guardian Team’s role or qualifications for future candidates, please feel free to reach out. Your support and engagement in our collective journey are deeply valued and appreciated.
Great Awakening International