Arukah Ha'Shem (Restore the Name)

The Most High is currently restoring the original descendants of ancient Israel! Biblical prophesy is being fulfilled within our nation but it will take a collaborative effort to get us to where we intend to be. Knowing that you are a Hebrew Israelite is not enough! We must reclaim everything that was taken from us which includes our Hebrew names!

- The main objective is to seek the most high diligently with our whole hearts before making drastic changes and decisions in our lives. We are to seek YAHUAH kingdom first and his righteousness and if it’s his will, everything else will be added.
- A lot of us so called “African Americans” have so much zeal and passion coming into this truth to where we skip steps and have unfortunately forgotten YAH in the process. Yes the most high is restoring our nation but the process starts with the individual.
- The Diaspora is truly waking up, a lot of us desire to drop our pagan and oppressors names for Hebrew Names but have no guidance or direction!
- We Endeavor to truly make this a transforming experience and give that guidance if so desired. Our foundation is the TANAKA and BRIT CHADASHAH and we will be showing biblical examples of Hebrews who had their names changed by their oppressors in the land of their captivity and explaining why that happened . For example in ancient Babylon Daniel and the three Hebrew boys names were changed from their Hebrew names. These same things happen in America which is captivity for us modern day Hebrews. Our ancestors names were changed in slavery and we have passed down the last names of our oppressors for centuries. Get excited because that STOPS NOW!
- We will also show the Mishphacha instances where the most high changed our ancestors name to establish covenants and to show the transition of their lives after their names were changed. For example Abraham, Sarah and Jacob whose name was changed to Israel.
- The Arukah Ha’shem team will be going over the biblical and historical significance of Names to include when and why so called Africans Americans names were changed throughout history.
- The Arukah Ha’shem team will individually meet with those who desire a Hebrew name. We just want to get to know you. We will ask about your gifts, talents and the reason why you want to change your name. There will has be a spiritual gift test given to assist you with finding out some of your YAH given gifts and talents. Further details will be laid out when we meet with the mishphacha individuallly.
- The seeking process- We will give guidance and direction on how to properly seek the most high. Prayer and fasting will be of upmost importance during this process. There is no time line, the most high may reveal your Hebrew name to you directly or to the mishphacha that have been seeking with you.
- Last but not least will be the actually ceremony on one of our set apart feast. We plan on having the first one during Sukkoth 2022. The ceremony will include a burn session denouncing our old names,prayer, prophetic impartation, immersions and much more!!!

Do you feel led by the Ruach to change your name? Please take your time in providing the following information. The questions are designed to help us begin to understand you so that our time together can be as productive as possible. All information provided is confidential.

Join the Team
The GAI's ARUKAH HASHEM Team needs you! Do you fellowship with the Great Awakening? Are you interested in helping, guiding, and leading Mishpacha with the transformational transitionary process of a name change? If so please fill out the form below and/or contact Moreh Anav Shachah for more info at
Arukah Ha'Shem Team