Morah Roundtable
The Great Awakening presents The Morah Roundtable, a national online platform that increases awareness, knowledge, appreciation for issues unique to the women who have discovered their Hebraic roots. The Morah Roundtable is designed to educate viewers on trends and issues related to the rapidly growing Hebrew Community.
The Morah Roundtable broadcast every other Tuesday at 8:00pm est / 7:00pm cst / 5:00pm pst.
The Morah Roundtable exist to:
- Showcase live panelists and experienced Morah’s to talk about relevant issues concerning women, world view and dispersed Israel.
- Unlock the endless truth and importance of the Torah.
- Dispel religious canards that have held women in places of mental, spiritual, emotional bondage and subjugation to false man-made interpretation of the scriptures to provide healing and deliverance.
- Unveil the Truth of the Scriptures with scholarship, history and biblical facts.
- To create an online broadcast for our viewers to hear traditional criticism and contemporary biblical scholarship from respected Morah’s around the country.
- To establish a live recording setting that identifies explains, and dissects issues contributing to the invisibility of women leadership in the bible.
- To have thoughtful interchange about strategies for overcoming obstacles and impediments of women in the Hebrew community today.