Moreh/Morah Retreat (for trainees only)
Week-Long Intensive
Location: Batesville, Mississippi May 30-June 2, 2022
The Moreh Retreat will run from Monday afternoon through Thursday evening. May 30-June 2, 2022 (1 Week Intensive Face-to-Face Training and Fellowship).
The Moreh’s/Morah's Retreat 2022 is a retreat for all training Morehs/Morahs of the Great Awakening Assemblies. This Four-day retreat concludes the final week of intensive training for the Morehs among the Great Awakening Assemblies. This retreat of training will take place the Monday thru Thursday (May 30-June 2) prior to Shavuot held in Batesville, MS. Morehs/Morahs will be engaged in sessions that will improve their leadership capacity, identifying strengths & weaknesses, traits of an effective leader, strategic planning and much more. This retreat also allows for the Morehs and their families to engage in a time of recreation, fellowship, and relaxation.
This focuses on basic training for Morehs/Morahs who want to plant or assist a Hebraic assembly. Topics include Torah foundations, vision, core values, evangelism strategy, discipleship, and leadership strategy, gathering strategy, stewardship strategy, Hebraic[1] centered worship strategy, administrative strategy, assembly master design, developing team, and mileposts. Morehs/Morahs will develop a plan of action for planting a Great Awakening assembly including mobilizing your team, clarifying your vision, developing your strategy, core group formation, organization issues, equipping leaders, ministry development, and starting assemblies that reproduce. Other topics include….
- Leadership Development and Training
- Group Building Exercises
- Personality/Character Test Assessments
- Spiritual Gift Assessments
- Mental Health Assessments
- How to Start, Sustain and Strive as an Assembly
- How to build a Leadership Team
- Marketing Strategies
- Avoiding the Pitfall of Unintentional Syncretism
- Recruiting a Launch Team
- Contextualization and the Gospel
- End Time Preparations
- Who’s Who in the Scriptures
- Hebrew Apologetics: How to Defend the Hebrew Faith
- How to Share the Truth (Great News) in your city
- Financial Strategies and Documents for Assemblies
- By-Laws and Torah-based Constitution for Great Awakening Assemblies
- Feast Days
- Doctrinal Beliefs
- Sacerdotal Training (Ketubah Marriages, Funerals, Dedications)
- Moreh Counseling Training
- Spouse and Family Preparedness
- Prophetic Demonstrations

We are still trying to work out the price of this retreat. We are cognizant that everyone still must pay for Shavuot. So, we are trying to reduce the cost of the Retreat or include one combined flat rate for the Retreat and Shavuot. We encourage all Morehs and Morahs to price their families.
- TBA Adult Fees
- TBA ages 5-10
- Free Ages 4 & Under
Your registration includes the following:
- 4 Night Stay
- Room
- All Meals
- Snacks
- Training Enrichment Workshops
- Team Building Exercises
- Fellowship Among the Morehs/Morahs
- T-Shirt

Monday, May 30, 2022
1:00-4:00pm Arrival and Fellowship
5:00-6:00pm Registration, Dinner, and Fellowship
6:00-7:30pm Evening Session (Welcome and Objective) – Joint Session
7:30-9:00pm Children and Youth Worship
7:30-9:00pm Training Morahs How to defend the Misogynistic Doctrines
7:30-9:00pm Current and Training Morehs Pitfalls in the Awakening
9:00pm Free Time
Tuesday May 31, 2022
8:00-9:00am Breakfast
9:00-9:45am Joint Worship Time
10:00-12:00pm Children and Youth Ministry
10:00-12:00pm Morning Sessions
Sacerdotal Training (Ketubah Marriages, Funerals, Dedications)
12:00-1:00pm Lunch
1:00-5:00pm Free time
5:00-6:00pm Dinner
5:00-9:00pm Children and Youth Games and Activities
6:00-7:00pm Current and Training Morehs Maintaining Your Health –
6:00-7:00pm Training Morahs Ezer Kenegdo – Morah Tawana Howard
7:00-8:00pm Joint Session Spouses and Family Preparedness - Dr. Ken and Tawana
8:00-9:00pm Joint Session Maintaining Your Marriage -
9:00pm Free Time
Wednesday June 1, 2022
8:00-9:00am Breakfast
9:00-9:45am Worship Time
10:00-12:00pm Children and Youth Ministry
10:00-12:00pm Morning Sessions
Torah-Based Personality/Character Test Assessments B, Spiritual Gift Assessment B, Mental Health Assessment Dr. Ken & Morah Tawana
12:00-1:00pm Lunch
1:00-4:00pm Family Free time
5:00-6:00pm Dinner
5:00-9:00pm Children and Youth Games and Activities
6:00-7:00pm Training Morahs How to Work with Women in the Assembly
6:00-7:00pm Training Morehs Vision casting - Dr. Howard
6:00-7:00pm Current Morehs Accountability -
7:00-8:00pm Joint Session Moreh/Morah Counseling Training - Dr. Howard
8:00-9:00pm Joint Session – Ruach-filled & Ruach-led Leaders
Thursday June 2, 2022
8:00-9:00am Breakfast
10:00-11:00am Group Building Exercises
11:00am-12:00pm Joint Session End Time Preparations
12:00-1:00pm Lunch
1:00-5:00pm Children and Youth Ministry
1:00-2:00pm Joint Session Legal Matters of an Assembly
2:00-3:00pm The Role of the Morah –Morah T. Howard
2:00-3:00pm Training Assembly Plant Morehs Assembly Plant Checklist - Dr. Howard
2:00-3:00pm Current Morehs & Training Supporting Morehs Financial Strategies and Documents for Assemblies –
3:00-4:00pm Joint Session Spiritual Warfare
4:00-5:00pm Joint Session Ministry Etiquette –
5:00-6:00pm Dinner
6:00-7:00pm Joint Session Sharing the Besorah with your City –
Close out Ceremony
7:00-9:00pm Family Group Games and Activities
Saturday June 4, 2022
12:00pm-1:00pm Consecration and Installation Service at Batesville Civic Center