


Post Passover 2022 Survey Form 


Dear Participant,

We hope that you have found Passover 2022 to be an unforgettable experience. In this regard, we would be most grateful if you could provide feedback to us on your experience.

General Information
General Assessment
Question 2
Rate by relevance events, workshops, gatherings, or services you attended or experienced only
Question 3
Question 4
Question 5
Question 6
Question 7
Question 8

Welcome to Passover & Unleavened Bread 2022

Join the Great Awakening International in Batesville, Mississippi for Passover 2022 April 15-18, 2022.

Passover 2022 includes:

  • Sleep in a 3 Star Hotel
  • Transportation to and from Memphis International Airport
  • Workshops
  • Biblical Teachings
  • First Fruits Celebration
  • Breakfast and Lunch Meals
  • Swimming /Recreational Activities
  • Transportation to the Land
  • Tour of our land (Yahuah Yireh Eretz)
  • Children will learn agriculture, pet animals, and Hayrides
  • Inflatables for Children
  • Live and Interactive Panel Discussions
  • Passover Production Play
  • Night of Worship featuring The Sound of Yah International Hebrew Choir
  • Great Fellowship
  • Sabbath Gathering
  • Annual GAI State of the Awakening Address
  • Interactive Formal Passover Meal
  • Marriage, Single, Youth, and Children Workshops

Passover & Unleavened Bread


In Leviticus 23:2 YHVH tells us, “These are My appointed festivals, the appointed festivals of Yahuah, as a Holy Convocation which you are to proclaim as sacred assemblies.”  They are YHVH’s specially appointed times available to all His followers.  In Hebrew, the word “convocation” means “miqra”, spoken as “Mik-raw” which means “rehearsal”. What does the word rehearsal mean? Rehearsal is defined as “the act of practicing in preparation for public performance event”. When we practice the Feasts, we are preparing for the return of our Savior and King Yahusha/Yahshua (Christ). The Feasts have prophetic significance. The Three Annual Feasts, Exodus 23:14-19

  • Feast of Unleavened Bread or Passover. Hebrew Pesach (includes Day of First Fruits)
  • Feast of Harvest or Pentecost or Weeks. Hebrew Shavuot.
  • Feast of Ingathering or Feast of Booths or Tabernacles. Hebrew Sukkot. (Includes Eight Day)


The Passover is a Holy Day Feast in which we remember how the Most High saved our forefathers from the hard bondage in Egypt under Pharaoh by sending great wonders and plagues, the last of which was the angel of death. Only those who had the blood of the lamb sacrificed by Moses and Elders of Israel upon their door posts would be saved from that plague, but those that did not all the first born of the Egyptians and their cattle were slain by the angel of death.


  • Leviticus 23:5-8
  • I Corinthians 5:7-13
  • Exodus 12:1-16, 24


Points to the Messiah as our passover lamb whose blood would be shed for our sins. Yahusha/Yahshua was crucified on the day of preparation for the Passover, at the same time that the lambs were being slaughtered for the Passover meal that evening. This was a preparation for the Most High sending his son Yahusha/Yahshua to also be a lamb without blemish or without sin in order to be sacrificed for the nation of Israel, so that all that is under his blood can be saved from death and receive eternal life being restored back to the Father through Yahusha/Yahshua. (Galatians 4:4-5). He is our Great High Priest and became our Sacrificial Lamb. The Feast are forever (Exodus 12:24) but the Lamb has already been provided.


  • For seven days for the festival by cleansing our homes of all leaven (yeast), which is a symbol of sin, according to the commandment found in Exodus 12:19: Yahusha/Yahshua went to the Temple before the Passover Festival and cleansed it of the “leaven”—the corruption of the money changers doing business within. (John 2:13–16)
  • Yahusha/Yahshua came into the city of Jerusalem five days before the lamb was killed in the temple as the Passover sacrifice for the sins of the people of Israel. Five days before the lamb was to be sacrificed, it was chosen.
  • The original celebration centered around the Passover lamb, which was sacrificed and its blood put over the doorposts as a sign of faith, so that Yahuah passed over the houses of our ancestors during the last plague poured out on the Egyptians - the killing of every firstborn. (Exodus 12:21-23). Today His Blood covers us now.
  • The Passover lamb was to be a "male without defect, which is the same description given to Yahusha/Yahshua. He was perfect. (Exodus 12:5) (1 Peter 1:18-19)
  • When the lamb was roasted and eaten, none of its bones were to be broken. (Exodus 12:46)This fact was also prophesized for the Messiah, whose bones were not to be broken. (Psalms 34:20).It was customary during crucifixion to break the leg bones of the person after a few hours in order to hasten their death. However, in the case of Yahusha/Yahshua, they broke the legs of the other two men, but did not break His, since He was already dead.  (John 19:32, 3336)
  • The day Yahusha/Yahshua was crucified was the day of the Passover celebration and the day that the Passover lamb was to be sacrificed. For the previous 1,200 years, the priest would blow the shophar (ram's horn) at 3:00 p.m. - the moment the lamb was sacrificed, and all the people would pause to contemplate the sacrifice for sins on behalf of the people of Israel. At 3:00,(Matthew 27:46, 50) when Yahusha/Yahshua was being crucified, He said, "It is finished" (John 19:30) - at the moment that the Passover lamb was sacrificed and the shophar was blown from the Temple.
  • The sacrifice of the Lamb of YHVH was fulfilled at the hour that the symbolic animal sacrifice usually took place. At the same time, the veil of the Temple (a three-inch thick, several story high cloth that demarked the Holy of Holies) (Hebrews 9:3) tore from top to bottom (Matthew 27:51)- representing a removal of the separation between YHVH and man.
  • Fifty days later, on the anniversary of the giving of the law (Pentecost), YHVH left the earthly temple to inhabit those who call on the name of Yahusha/Yahshua through His Holy Spirit.
  • In the scriptures the whole congregation had to slay the Lamb. In Yahusha/Yahshua’s day, the whole congregation slew him as they ask to pardon Barabbas. Sinful Blood cannot cover sin. It has to be innocent blood.


Lamb: The unbroken, unblemished lamb reminds us of Yahusha/Yahshua’s crucifixion in that it always remains an unbroken bone. During Roman times, ALL crucified people were to have their leg bones broken, but YHVH gave the Messiah’s unbroken legs as one of the signs of His identity because the Passover Lamb’s bones were never broken (Exodus 12:46 and Numbers 9:12). Yahusha/Yahshua is our Passover Lamb.

Unleavened Bread: Used for the Passover Seder must be unleavened—leaven is often equated with sin in the Scriptures, and Yahusha/Yahshua is sinless. Second, the matzoh must be striped—Yahusha/Yahshua’ “stripes” (His wounds) are what heal us spiritually (Isaiah 53:5). And, third, the matzoh must be pierced—Yahusha/Yahshua was nailed to the cross (Psalm 22:16).The other elements of the Seder plate are traditional reminders of the Israelite enslavement to the Egyptians. They are as follows:

Wine (Grape Juice): There are also four cups of wine used at various points during the Seder. Each of these glasses of wine has a name: the first glass is the “cup of sanctification.” The second is the “cup of judgment.” The third is the “cup of redemption.” And the fourth is the “cup of praise.” At the Last Supper, Yahusha/Yahshua took the first cup and promised His disciples that the next time He drank the fruit of the vine with them would be in the kingdom (Luke 22:17). Later in the Seder, Yahusha/Yahshua took the third cup—the cup of redemption—and used that cup as a symbol of the New Covenant in His blood (Luke 22:20).

Bitter Herbs (Maror) – The eating of “bitter herbs” is commanded in Exodus 12:8. In modern times, this is usually horseradish, one of the bitterest herbs. The maror reminds the Jews that they were unable to offer sacrifice and worship to YHVH, and that was bitterer than the slavery of Egypt.

Vegetable (Karpas) – This element, usually parsley, is dipped in salt water and eaten. The karpas pictures the hyssop that was used to apply the blood of the Passover lamb to homes of the Israelites in Egypt. In the New Testament, hyssop was used to give the Lamb of YHVH vinegar when Yahusha/Yahshua said He thirsted (John 19:29). The salt water represents the tears shed during the bitter years of slavery and the Red Sea that YHVH split during the exodus.


Passover, as with all YHVH’s appointed Feasts, is rife with symbolism that YHVH gave us to deepen our walk with Him. Symbols speak louder than either words or pictures. And symbols are YHVH’s language. Practicing the rituals YHVH gave us to remind us of His ways is how we gain the deeper knowledge of Him called the meat of the Word´


First Fruit Celebration

The Great Awakening will be celebrating First Fruits or Chag Ha-Bikkurim on Sunday April 17, 2022 at the Batesville Civic Center.

The Hebrew term bikkurim derives from the same root as bekhor - firstborn. In the Torah, the general principle that the firstborn of man (and beast) belonged to Yahuah is also applied to the first fruits to ripen each agricultural season, beginning with a sheaf of the new barley harvest (omer) on Reishit KafZir, and culminating in the celebration of Shavu'ot, also called Chag ha-Bikkurim — “the first fruits festival,”

Feast of “Firstfruits”

The day following the first day of Unleavened Bread is called Reishit Katzir, the “beginning of the harvest” (sometimes confusingly called the Feast of Firstfruits). In ancient times, on this day a sheaf (omer) of barley (the first grain crop to ripen) was waved before Yahuah in a prescribed ceremony to mark the start of the counting of the omer, thereby initiating the forty-nine day countdown to the harvest festival of Shavu'ot:

And Yahuah spoke to Moses, saying, "Speak to the people of Israel and say to them, ‘When you come into the land that I give you and reap its harvest, you shall bring the sheaf (omer) of the first (reshit) of your harvest to the priest, and he shall wave the sheaf before Yahuah, so that you may be accepted. On the day after the Sabbath the priest shall wave it. And on the day when you wave the sheaf, you shall offer a male lamb a year old without blemish as a burnt offering to Yahuah.’ (Lev. 23:9-12)

In other words, on this day the priest would wave a sheaf (omer) of green barley before Yahuah as a symbolic gesture of dedicating the coming harvest to Him.


Registration Fee:

Regular Registration is Sold Out & Closed. However, Commuter Registration Remains Open. Commuter Registration includes all meals and activites but does not include lodging/hotel stay. Attendees will be responsible for securing their own lodging. The Commuter Registration has been extended until April 5, 2022.

  • $200.00 per person Regular Registration is Sold Out &Closed
  • $125.00 Ages 11-17
  • $125.00 Commuter Fee (For all adutls and youth ages 11-17 who will not be staying at the hotel a $125 Commuter fee per person will be charged. Friday & Saturday meals, Seder Meal, Tour of Land, and workshops are included in this fee).
  • $100.00 Ages 5-10 (does not include lodging/hotel stay)
  • Free for Ages 4 & Under



 Regular registration includes the following:

  • Sleep in a 3 Star Hotel
  • Transportation to and from Memphis International Airport
  • Workshops
  • Biblical Teachings
  • Breakfast and Lunch Meals
  • Swimming /Recreational Activities
  • Transportation to the Land
  • Tour of our land (Yahuah Yireh Eretz)
  • Work on the Land
  • Children will learn agriculture, pet animals
  • Inflatables for Children
  • Live and Interactive Panel Discussions
  • Passover Production Play
  • Night of Worship featuring The Sound of Yah International Hebrew Choir
  • Great Fellowship
  • Sabbath Gathering
  • Annual GAI State of the Awakening Address
  • Interactive Formal Passover Meal
  • Marriage, Single, Youth, and Children Workshops

Upon arrival you will be greeted by a designated greeter, please let them know you are a part of the Great Awaking event, which should allow you free entry. For those that will be lodging at the Comfort Suites, Fairfield Inn or Holiday Inn, check-in is at 3:00pm on Friday 4/15/2022. There will be access to restrooms, conference rooms, and lounging areas prior to check-in (please do not unload your car prior to check-in). 

If you have pre-registered for the Passover, we will have your demographic information. You will be asked to verify your info at the registration desk.

 Once you Check in you will receive your:

  • Passover Event Tote Bag
  • Name tag (you must print your own name)
  • Wristbands and/or badge
  • Hotel/Room Assignment
  • Passover Meal Table Assignment
  • Passover program
  • Attendee materials

Wristbands will be required for shuttle transportation and entry into the general session, workshops, venues, breakfast, lunch and dinner.


Weekend Schedule

FRIDAY April 15, 2022 
  • 3:00- Check In /Arrival/ Registration at Batesville Civic Center
  • 7:00-9:30pm-Pesach Meal/Banquet (Please wear your formal Hebraic Attire)
    • Dinner and Fellowship
  • 9:30-11:30pm GAI Sound of Yah Choir Rehearsal (Current Members - Mandatory after Seder Meal Gathering) Praise and Worship
(Shuttle Transportation is provided from hotel to Civic Center)
SATURDAY April 16, 2022 
  • 6:00-7:00am Corporate Prayer (Meeting Room A & B)
  • 8:00-9:45am Breakfast (at Hotels) and Fellowship. 
  • 10:00-1:00pm Sabbath Gathering – General Assembly Area
  • 1:00-2:00pm Lunch (at Batesville Civic Center)
  • 2:00-4:00pm- Choir rehearsal (Current Members)GAI Praise Team Meeting Rooms A & B
  • 2:00-5:00 Free time  
  • 4:00-6:00pm
  1. Play Rehearsal (General Assembly Area)
  2. Inflatables outside the Civic Center for Kids
  • 5:00-6:00pm  Dinner (everyone is on their own)
  • 7: 35- 9:35 pm Workshops Youth
  1. ages 2-6) Meeting Room A)
  2. ages 7-11 (Meeting Room B)
  3. ages 12-19 (Dining area Outside the Civic Center)
  • 6:35- 8:00 pm Marriage Workshop (in the General Assembly)
  • 6:35- 8:00 pm Singles Workshop (in Meeting Room C)
  • 6:35- 8:00 pm Interdisciplinary Workshop
  • 8:00-9:30pm Dr. Howard State of the Address
(Shuttle Transportation is provided from hotel to Civic Center)
Sunday April 17, 2021
  • 6:00-7:00am Corporate Prayer (Meeting Room A & B)
  • 7:00-8:00am Fitness Workout with Achoti Rhonda (Women Only)
  • 7:00-8:00am Immersions (Enid Lake)
Vans headed to Enid Lake will be leaving the Home Suites and Comfort Suites exactly at 6:00am. Please plan on packing and bringing your own food just in case you are not in time for breakfast.
  • 8:00-9:00am Breakfast (at Hotels) and Fellowship
  • 9:00am Travel to Land
Charter Buses are provided up to 200 people. Buses will leave from Hotels to Land [in Tillatoba, MS])
  • 10:00am-12:30pm  
  1. Tour of Land
  2. Children will learn agricultural, pet animals, ride horses, milk cows, hayrides
  • 12:30-1:00pm Travel time back Batesville Civic Center
  • 1:00-2:00pm  Session APP (Moreh Boddy) – General Assembly Area
  • 2:00-3:00pm  Session Finance (Henry Davis) – General Assembly Area
  • 3:00-4:00pm First Fruits Celebration
  • 4:00-6:00pm FREE TIME
  • 5:00-6:00pm Dinner/Fellowship (everyone is on their own)
  • 6:00-8:00pm PESACH PLAY PRODUCTION – General Assembly Area
  • 8:00-9:00pm. Exhortation / Night of Worship -General Assembly Area)                
Monday April 18, 2021
8:00-9:45am Breakfast (at Hotels) and Fellowship
10:00am Corporate Prayer (Meeting Room A & B)
11:00am Checkout/Departure

Workout with Achoti Rhonda

All women are welcome to join Achoti Rhonda Jones for 45 minutes of fitness and fun on Sunday, April 17, 2022 from 7:00-8:00am at the Batesville Civic Center. She will lead participants through 45 min of aerobic, strength and flexibility exercises.  All fitness levels are welcome.

Bring a water bottle, and mat(towel).  Wear comfortable, athletic shoes and fitness apparel (i.e. fitness tank top, fitness leggings, sweat pants, tee shirt).  Dress in a way that your apparel won’t limit your body’s ability to reach, move, bend, squat, or sit on the floor. This is for Women Only!


Do You Want to Volunteer for Passover 2022

Want to volunteer for Passover 2022? Then consider joining one of our Passover 2022 Teams. Teams are the heart of the Great Awakening Mishpacha and being part of a team for Passover 2022 provides an opportunity to ensure that this event is done in excellence. Most teams meet once to twice per week leading up to Passover. Meetings are usually 2 hours in length. Please fill out the Volunteer Form below. Please indicate your interest and willingness to participate in up to 3 teams. Once you fill out the form you will be contacted by someone to connect you to a team. All volunteers must be registered for Passover 2022. If you're interested, please click on volunteer button below to fill out form.


Everyone is encouraged to wear the official 2022 Passover T-Shirt on Sunday April 17, 2022 during the Night of Worship.


Great Awakening International Passover 2022 is a great place to meet other professionals and network. Attendees have the opportunity to talk to Hebrew owned and operated businesses and get information from businesses that are that are promoting the awakening movement. If you are a vendor and want to have a table(s) at Passover 2022 please click the button below. Vending will only take place Saturday April 16 at 6:00pm - Monday April 18, 2022. No vending will take place on the Sabbath & First Day of Unleavened from Friday April 15, 2022 at 6:00pm thru Saturday April 16, 2022 at 6:00pm.

Batesville Civic Center

The Batesville Civic Center is a beautiful venue in an emerging market with very little entertainment competition.

A truly multi-purpose facility, well suited to events of all types, the Batesville Civic Center is conveniently located in Batesville, MS between Memphis, TN and Jackson, MS at the intersection of Interstate Highway 55 and State Highway 6.

The facility's design provides countless configuration possibilities, making Batesville Civic Center the ideal venue for a wide variety of activities. In addition to our 45,000 square foot main arena we offer meeting rooms for banquets, conferences, seminars and other amenities; all supported by available on-site catering.

The addition of 20 full-service RV sites for use by BCC events, patrons, and travelers marks the completion of Phase 1 of the Batesville Civic Center RV Park and has greatly enhanced our versatility as an event destination.

The Main Arena

  • Arena floor 150' x 300' (45,000 sq. ft.)
  • Climate controlled
  • TV quality lighting
  • State-of-the-art sound system
  • Attached 5,600 sq. ft. covered staging area
  • Total seating up to 8,022
  • Theater-style seating for 3,022
  • Temporary seating on arena floor for up to 5,000
  • Dedicated concourse level handicapped seating
  • Private Arena Level Promoters Office
  • Private Dressing Rooms and Showers
  • Elevator Access to the Concourse Level
  • Two concessions areas
  • Plentiful bathrooms at each end of the arena

Conference / Meeting Rooms

  • Two large (45' x35') conference rooms
  • One medium (30' x 35') conference room


  • Abundant parking with on-site overflow available

RV Sites

  • Twenty serviced RV sites onsite

Hotel / Lodging

Due an unexpected increase in registered attendees and unforeseen conditions, there’s has been some slight changes regarding lodging accommodations for Pesach 2022. Previously, all attendees were conveniently staying in either the Comfort Suites or Home2Suites of Batesville, MS. The new lodging arrangements includes all attendees to stay in 1 of 3 hotels; Comfort Suites, Fairfield Inn, or Holiday Inn. All Hotels are just minutes away from Batesville Civic Center.

Distance to and from the Batesville Community Center:

  • The Comfort Suites is 3 min (0.9 mi) 
  • Holiday Inn is 3 min (1.4 mi) 
  • Fairfield Inn is 4 min (1.8 mi) 

All rooms have features like microwaves and refrigerators and or a kitchen. Some rooms have a sofa bed.  USB ports are accessible throughout the room, making it convenient for you to charge your phone or tablet. You can relax in front of the flat-screen TV while watching a movie on HBO.

It is our goal to keep all families together in lodging assignments. If you register as an individual, there's a high chance that you will be sharing a room with the same gender.

Hotel Amenities

  • Premium Free WiFi
  • 100% Smoke Free Hotel
  • Free Full Breakfast
  • Vending Machines*
  • Truck Parking
  • Elevator(s)
  • Exercise Room
  • Fitness Center
  • Copy Machine
  • Outdoor Parking
  • Interior Corridors
  • Bus Parking
  • Sundry Shop*
  • Fax Machine
  • Hotel has Safe
  • Picnic Area
  • Free Weekday Newspaper
  • Indoor Heated Pool
  • Late Check-Out Available
  • No Pets Allowed
  • Free Coffee
  • Laundry
  • Business Center
  • Sun Deck

Don’t worry about getting back and forth to your assigned Hotel, we’ve got you covered. Stress-free transportation is a critical part of attending any Great Awakening Event, but oftentimes it’s forgotten about. As a courtesy of The Great Awakening, we will offer FREE shuttle vans to all Passover 2022 locations (Memphis International Airport, Batesville Civic Center, and Enid Lake) to and from your hotel. 

Each hotel will be assigned a designated van and driver. This will allow all attendees to build a rapport with a specific driver and to get familiar with the van they’ll be riding in all weekend long.

 If you have any questions or concerns about shuttle transportation to and from the airport or your assigned hotel please feel free to contact Achoti Wendy Wilson at

Airport / Shuttle from Airport

Memphis International Airport
Address: 2491 Winchester Rd., Memphis, TN 38116
The closest major airport to Batesville International Airport and the Hotels is Memphis International Airport. It is located 54.7 miles away from the the Civic Center which is about a 50 minute drive. 50 min (54.7 mi) via I-55 S
We will be providing transportation to and from the airport. Our shuttle service will have designated pick up and drop times. 
We will need to know flight arrivals/departures if you plan on utilizing the shuttle service. Please email us at for your flight arrival and departure.

Free Shuttle Bus Service

Are you flying to Batesville? Stress-free transportation is a critical part of attending any Great Awakening Event, but oftentimes it’s forgotten about. As a courtesy of The Great Awakening, we will offer FREE shuttle buses to the conference locations (Memphis International Airport, Batesville Civic Center, and Enid Lake) from the hotels. If you desire for us to pick you up from the Memphis International Airport, please email us at or fill out the online airport shuttle form with the following information:


The Shuttle Buses will only be traveling to Memphis International Airport on Friday April 15, 2022 and Monday April 18, 2022

Shuttle Bus Schedule

From Memphis International Airport in Memphis
9:00 AM – 5:00 PM — Every 30-35 minutes
To Batesville Civic Center
5:00 - 7:00 PM - Every 10-15 minutes
10:00 - 11:45 PM - Every 10-15 minutes
To and From Batesville Civic Center
5:30 – 9:30 AM - Every 20-25 minutes
1:00 - 6:00 PM - Every 30-35 minutes
9:30 - 10:30 PM - Every 10-15 minutes


To and From Batesville Civic Center
5:30 – 9:30 AM - Every 20-25 minutes
12:00 - 6:00 PM - Every 30-35 minutes
9:30 - 10:30 PM - Every 10-15 minutes
To and From Enid Lake
6:00 AM - 8:00 AM
To and From Land 9:00 AM - 12:30 PM
Batesville Civic Center
4:00 – 6:00 PM - Every 15-20 minutes
9:00 - 10:00 PM - Every 15-20 minutes


To Memphis International Airport
4:00 AM – 1:00 PM — Every 30-35 minutes

To sign up for Shuttle Service please go to the website and register or call Achot Wendy Wilson 313.614.8350

Modesty & Alcohol Statement

While the Great Awakening International are unaware of the lifestyles of all individuals who are invited as guests to our PUBLIC EVENTS & FEAST DAYS, we will hereby enforce a very strict modesty code that is reflective of righteousness and modesty as Torah-observant believers.

Our public events are mainly family oriented events where children will be present. Any inappropriateness that does not promote a Kodesh lifestyle can have a negative impact on impressionable children. We are committed to do what most children cannot do for themselves; guard themselves from unnecessary temptations and environments where inappropriateness is allowed.

Furthermore, we are far from the “Fashion Police,”“Cleavage Patrol” and Modesty Mafia” however, seductive and enticing apparel will not be welcomed at Great Awakening International future events, as it serves as a unhealthy temptation and is not synonymous with a Set-Apart environment.

We’re cognizant that modesty is subjective and can be distinguishable from culture to culture. It can be ambiguous. Modesty has a wide lane, primarily because it's unknown what actually increases the desires of others (example: open toe shoes may catch the attention of someone who has a feet fetish). If it's even a question of "is this appropriate?" then chances are, it's not.

Men and women are similar in their temptation to sin. These things affect both genders- “The lust of the flesh, the lust of the eyes, and the pride of life.”  Both men and women have to be on guard against those things.

Proverbs 4:23 says, “Keep your heart with all diligence, for out of it spring the issues of life.”
Proverbs 23:7 says, “As a man thinks in his heart, so is he.”

Immodesty is an issue of the heart.  We recognize that how attendees dress on the outside says a lot about what is going on in the inside. “The train of sin runs on tracks that were laid in the heart.”  When one dresses inappropriately for set-apart events, they must be very honest with themselves about their motives.
-Why do I dress like I do?
-What kind of reactions am I trying to get?

The Great Awakening International is a proponent that our community should be unique and specific in our dress and look different from the world. Furthermore, the Great Awakening International is a proponent that men should wear attire gender-specific for men and women should wear clothing gender-tailored for women. No registered participant will be allowed enter into our SET-APART events wearing apparel that is specifically made for the opposite gender.

While we are open to unawakened nonbelievers to attend our events, in hopes of sharing the Truth to them, we will not tolerate inappropriate behavior, dress, or speech. Modesty is born from a genuine heart to not stir up the desires in others that can’t be fulfilled righteously.

Modesty is an attitude of propriety and decency in dress, grooming, language, and behavior. If we are modest, we do not draw undue attention to ourselves. Instead, we seek to “glorify Yah in [our] body, and in [our] spirit” (1 Corinthians 6:19-20). Immodesty increases sin and a distraction among men. (Leviticus 19:29)

As the Children of Israel, our clothing expresses our values, customs and ultimately who we are. It sends messages about us, and it influences the way we as Israel act. When we are modestly dressed, we can invite the companionship of the Ruach and exercise a good influence on those around us.

Therefore, all participants and their invited guests to the Great Awakening International Set-Apart events must avoid clothing that is revealing or extreme in appearance in order to engage in our set apart events.

Moving forward, registration will include a modesty clause that attendees must adhere to. This will be reflected on ALL future registration forms. All attendees and their guests must sign this modesty clause in order to secure their entry into our set-apart event.

Dressing modestly is our way of telling the world that we don’t play by their rules – we play by Yah’s rules.

Anyone that shows up to any Great Awakening International set-apart event not dressed to par will be reminded of the modesty clause that they signed, refunded their monies, and turned away from the event in love (Ephesians 4:15; 4:29; Colossians 4:6), never with personal opinions, judging or shaming, and never accompanied by gossip (Proverbs 11:12-13 ;21:23).

We recognize the immodest person as a soul. This is why we have employed a new system of confronting the individual in a loving, biblical way with the hopes of conversion. We recognize that immodest behavior is typically a symptom of a deeper heart issue and we want to minister to the heart before we change their attire.

However, public events (where registration is necessary) will be treated differently from outdoor outreaches and weekly Sabbath Gatherings where there is a chance that a guest can show up without knowledge of our modesty expectation. It is at this point that the Great Awakening will show unconditional love, apply grace once given to all of us, develop a relationship with the immodest individual, and hope for an opportunity to teach them the standard of modesty. We recognize that we cannot scale a fish until we catch it first.

The Great Awakening International has decided not to enter into a contract with any venue that will have a wet bar open in our rented private event space(s). We understand that this could provide a temptation and a distraction from the purpose of our set-apart events.

Recognizing that the use and abuse of alcohol is an issue for some people within our reach, we strive to provide a safe sanctuary from the pain of addiction for those directly or indirectly affected by it. In addition, we admit that intoxication has the potential to impact clarity and understanding, thereby limiting our access to spiritual Truth.

We also recognize the exercise of freedom to choose to drink alcoholic beverages responsibly and in moderation. The Bible provides numerous examples of the responsible use of alcohol as well as condemnation for “drunkenness”. The Great Awakening International affirms the right of individuals in conscience to make responsible choices between abstention and moderate, non-problematic use. However, to avoid the potential of intoxication and the ensuing behavior that follows it, we will no longer hold events at venues where there is open access to alcoholic beverages.

Therefore, the Great Awakening International encourages and supports abstention at all of our Set-Apart activities. Moderate drinking in low-risk situations not provided by the venue in private rented spaces will not be opposed. Heavy drinking in any situation is vigorously discouraged by Great Awakening International.

While there is no “Thou shalt not …” with regards to secular music in the Bible, we know that some music degenerates into immoral behavior. Therefore, Set-apart music will be the preferred choice at all future Great Awakening International events. Great Awakening International will be monitoring all musical selections from guest bands and musicians moving forward. Henceforth, we are putting a moratorium on all outside bands/musical guests and will only be using awakened, Ruach-filled, and Torah observant musicians for future events.

Consent to use Photo / Video

The Great Awakening International reserves the right to use any photograph/video taken at any event sponsored by Great Awakening, without the expressed written permission of those included within the photograph/video. Great Awakening may use the photograph/video in publications or other media material produced, used or contracted by Great Awakening including but not limited to: brochures, invitations, books, newspapers, magazines, television, websites, etc.

To ensure the privacy of individuals and children, images will not be identified using full names or personal identifying information without written approval from the photographed subject, parent or legal guardian


By participating in Passover 2022, attendees give their permission to be photographed or recorded by official photographers, videographers and attending media of the Great Awakening International. Attendees consent to their images and video being reproduced for subsequent use in the media, webcasts, internal and external promotional purposes, advertising and inclusion on websites and social media. Images are shared publically with open access for use.


Great Awakening photographers and other registered press representatives will be taking photographs and videotaping portions of the Passover.


Attendees are entitled to take photographs at Great Awakening International for their own personal, spiritual, educational and/or advocacy purposes. The Great Awakening will not be liable if attendees object to being photographed in these circumstances.

Batesville Area Restaurants & Stores


3 meals provided total

Seder Meal Friday Evening

  • Lamb w/Chef Moreh Vaughn’s special sauce
  • Horseradish, or another bitter herb
  • Green beans & mixed veggies
  • Sauté potatoes in olive oil and herbs / potatoes and onions 
  • Light salad
  • Mixed fruits for dessert
  • Grape juice
  • Alternative options:
    • Chicken grill
    • Veggie burger patty (vegans/vegetarians will be identified through registration)


Lunch Menu Items – Shabbat & Sunday 

  • Shabbat Lunch:
    • Yellow rice base
    • Chicken 
    • Stewed veggies:
      • Curry/teriyaki chickpeas (canned chickpeas)
      • Vegetables stir fry – onions, peppers, green peas, etc. 
    • Unleavened bread
    • Mixed fruit
  • Sunday Lunch:
    • Rice Pilaf
    • Veggie soup – green peas, carrots, corn, onions, celery, & string beans
      • Meat Option: Whiting (boneless for children) –
    • Salad
    • Potatoes / Chips
    • Mixed fruit

Join the Sound of Yah International Choir for Passover 2022

The Passover Night of Worship will be held in Batesville, MS on Sunday April 17, 2022 at 10:00 p.m. The Night of Worship is a high prophetic ambience of praise and worship featuring  the Great Awakening International's Worship Team and The Sound of Yah International Choir led by Morah Chevon Jones. This event will highlight the depth of this music genre, spanning traditional and contemporary, lively choral groups, and extraordinary vocalists with a prophetic twist, and more. If you would like to audition to join the choir please click the button below

Passover Production Play

Great Awakening Playwright, Morah Tawana Howard will produce a live stage play entitled, “When I See The Blood” during Passover 2022 on Sunday April 17, 2022 at 7:00pm in Batesville, MS. Do you feel called to be a participant in this Stage Play? Are you interested in theatre or music theatre as a vehicle to spread the Awakening message? Are you an aspiring actor, a stage manager, designer, craftsperson, or someone who wants to spread the Awakening through the arts? Most of our auditions are virtual, which will be held through Zoom and other videoconferencing systems. The virtual audition is an effective format to get to know you and your abilities.  The virtual format also provides a convenient and cost-effective option for those who may not have the time or money to travel to a live audition. To schedule your audition with Morah Tawana, simply select your preferred audition date from our schedule listed on the website. Audition times are assigned in chronological order on a first come/first serve basis and are confirmed with a message. If you’re interested, please click the interest form online.


Passover 2022 Immersions - Enid Lake

On Sunday, April 17, 2022 at 7:00 a.m. The Great Awakening will hold a lake immersion for all person who wants to be immersed.
The immersion will take place at Enid Lake. Candidates will be baptized in the Name of the Messiah (Yahusha or Yahshua). It is anticipated that over 100 people from across the country will take part in this charge to believers. 

Vans headed to Enid Lake will be leaving the Home Suites and Comfort Suites exactly at 6:15am

We do immersions not baptisms:
  • In an Immersion the person is guided, thus goes under water using their own strength. While with a baptism one is pushed or taken under by the facilitator of the occurrence.
  • Immersion as well as baptism are expressly done with a repentance first focus, and is voluntary.
  • Immersion the participants are to RISE from beneath the water with their own strength and guidance of the Ruach (Holy Spirit).
  • In baptism the facilitator brings the participants up out of the water.
  • Baptism is done mostly in pools our stabilized waters but can be done in living waters. Immersions (Hebraic Mikvah's) are usually done in living bodies of water.
  • Baptism usually is a one time event. Immersions can occur during multiple life transforming events. Such as coming of age, child birth, marriage, ritual cleansing and many more.
  • One is practiced by Christianity and the other is cultural related to Israel of scripture.

During Immersion: Here is the process for the actual physical immersion in water.
  • We will help you step into the lake.
  • Two of our Moreh immersers will stand to each side of you
  • If led by the Ruach, one or both Moreh Immersers will pray and prophecy over you
  • The Immersers will gently push down on the top of your head as a signifer to for you to go down into the water. (You will go down in your own strenght but rise in and by the Ruach.
  • You will dip yourself vertically (straightdown) into the water and come up vertically (straightway).
  • You are encouraged to rlelax, plug your nose.
  • Our immersers will hold you as you come up to ensure your safety.
  • While you are being immersed, the immerser will say something along these lines: “We say the following: "In obedience to the command of our Mashiach and based upon the profession of your faith, I now immerse you in the Name and in the authority of Yahusha/Yahshua." Buried with Mashiach [immersed in water], Raised to walk in new life [emerge from water].”
  • Feel free to express your joy, praise to Abba, look out at your friends, wave at your family, and cheer if you want. Just be yourself. This is a community celebration, so feel free to celebrate with your friends, Mishpacha, and dozens of believers on sight.
After your immersion: we will help you step out of the lake, and a helper will hand you a towel and help you out of the Lake so that you can go and change your clothes.

All males and females are required to bring the following:
  • For women, Capri or lightweight pants and a neutral color T-shirt.
  • For men, appropriate swimwear and a neutral color T-shirt.
  • Please wear appropriate clothing that won’t be harmed by getting wet.
  • Keep in mind how the material will look on you when it is wet, so you can take the necessary steps to be modest at all times (no white t-shirts!).
  • Bring a light jacket as temperatures can be quite cool early in the morning in the Mississippi.
  • Beach Towel.
  • Change of clothes.
  • Women in their menstrual cycle should take proper precautions as far as utilizing hygienic items.
  • Bathing cap (optional).
Be in Prayer: Be in prayer asking Yah to speak through you and that you would share your testimony of how He has changed your life.
Be Prepared to Share: Be prepared to give brief answers to the following questions:
  • How do you describe the feeling of being immersed in the true name of the Messiah?
  • How the Awakening has changed your life?
Candidates must register below.

Please Click below and fill out all the required fields and click the SUBMIT button when done. Please submit one form per person.

Tour of Great Awakening's New Land (Yahuah Yireh Eretz)

The Great Awakening International is humbled to recently secure acres of land called "Yahuah Yireh Eretz" in Mississippi. The Mishpacha of Great Awakening are ready to invest their sweat equity and resources into our land. We will build and develop in multiple stages with the goal of living off the grid, sustainability from resources on the land, and aggregate our assets. Our plans include but not limited to:
  • Gravel and Pave egress and ingress traffic areas
  • Build a Multi-Purpose Worship Facility
  • Farm Land
  • Residential Community
  • Animal Farm & Facilities
  • Recreation / Community Center
  • School (Ancient Path Scholars School)
  • Storage Facilities
  • Campground
  • Playfields
  • Stores (For Us and By Us)
  • Herbal Hospital
  • etc.
This land was promised and delivered by Yahuah.
Would you like to help the Great Awakening's Ancient Path Preppers team in developing "Yahuah Yireh Eretz" by donating a one time gift or giving on a monthly basis? If so, please use the donation link below
For more information, please visit
Video Footage:
Yahuah Yireh Eretz Part 2:
Yahuah Yireh Eretz Part 1:


Each participant will have and opportunity to tour and work on our new land in Mississippi. If you plan on touring or working on the land on Sunday April 17, 2022, here's a list of items you should bring. This list is not season specific, so not all items may apply.  This list is not necessarily exhaustive or imperative. However, if you plan to work on the land, please consider bringing the following: 

  • Cargo Pants/Jeans
  • Boots / No Gym Shoes
  • Rain or work boots
  • Work gloves
  • Googles
  • Orange vest
  • Disposable poncho (possible rain)
  • No Shorts No Sandals/Hills


The Passover season is upon us for 2022.  Many of us are wondering when do we celebrate the Passover meal?  There are several calendars and all of them agree that the New Moon is on April 1, 2022 and Passover is 14 days later on the 14th day of April, 2022.  Most of the Gregorian calendars indicate that Passover is on the evening of the 14th day of April.  Most of them also indicate that there is a full moon the night of the 14h of April.  However, they fail to mention that a day in the Bible goes from evening to evening.  Consequently, Passover begins after evening on the 14th and ends on the 15th of April.  On every Passover, there is a full moon. Below is a detail explanation.

  1. In order to get the right dates, it is best to go back to the evening of the 1st  of April which is the “New Moon.” 
  2. If you count 14 evenings later, you arrive at the evening of the 14th day of April as the “Eve / beginning” of the day of Passover.
  3. The Hebrew day goes from evening to evening.
  4. Passover ends on the evening of the 15th of April which is Friday.
  5. Once the Passover ends at 6:00 on the 15th, the Feast of Unleavened Bread begins which is when we conduct the Passover meal according to Scripture.
  6. Leviticus 23:5 indicates that on the 14thday of Abib at twilight is YHVH’ s Passover. 
  7. The 14thof Abib begins this year after 6:00pm on April 14th.
  8. The end of the 14thday of Abib/Passover is on the 15th of April at 5:59 pm.
  9. Remember, the lamb had to be killed at evening or twilight on Passover.
  10. If Passover begins at 6:00pm on Friday the 14th of April, the killing of the lamb and the Crucifixion would have to occur between 12:00 and 3:00 on the 15th of April.
  11. The key is from evening to evening.  The Hebrew day begins after 6:00 pm going into the night for 12 hours.
  12. The day or “Boqer” begins at 6:00 am and is counted by hours. 9:00 is the 3rd hour12:00 is the 6th hour and 3:00 pm is the 9th hour.
  13. See John 11:9 Yahusha answered, “Are there not twelve hours in a day?..... (from 6:00 am to 6:00 pm)
  14. 27:45 Now from the sixth hour until the ninth hour there was darkness over all the land.  46. And about the ninth hour Yahusha cried out with a loud voice, saying Eli, Eli, lam sabachthani? That is “My God, My God, why have You forsaken me?
  15. In conclusion, Passover begins this year on the 14thof April in the evening and ends on April 15th at 5:59 pm.
  16. This is confirmed also by all calendars which indicate a full moon on the night of the 14thof April which is also the 14th of Abib.
  17. Passover is always on the 14thof Abib to begin at evening.
  18. The next day after 6:00 pm on April 15th begins the Feast of Unleavened Bread (15th of Abib) which is the time of the Passover meal.
Again, we look forward to seeing you and your family as we come together from all over the world to observe Passover in person or remotely using Zoom Video Conferencing, YouTube and Facebook on Friday April 15th, 2022.

Should you have any additional questions or concerns please contact us at
The Great Awakening
  1. Passover Meal Program Guide
  2. Zoom Instructions Guide
  3. Video of the Passover Meal
  4. Revised Flyer
  5. Video of Getting the Leaven Out
  6. Types of Leavening Agents
  7. Types of Food You Can Eat

Prohibited / Allowed Food Items April 15-April 22

The Passover Feast has some special dietary restrictions. Torah-observant Hebrews prohibits the eating of chametz during Passover as directed in the Torah. Chametz includes any food product or recipe made with the following grains:

Hebrew word for leaven is seor but the word chametz is any food product made from wheat, barley, rye, oats or spelt that has come into contact with water and been allowed to ferment and rise, is not to be consumed during Passover. Instead, matzah, an unleavened flatbread made of flour and water, is eaten. Chametz includes grains like wheat, oats, rye, barley and spelt, which are prohibited if they’ve had contact with water/moisture for longer than 18 minutes, leading to rising or “leavening.” Leavening agents, like yeast and sourdough, are also considered chametz.


Yeasts, including: baker’s yeast and active dried yeast, Ammonium carbonate, Ammonium bicarbonate, Baking powder, Baking soda, Cream of tartar (potassium bitartrate), Dipotassium carbonate, Monocalcium phosphate, Potassium carbonate, Potassium bicarbonate, Sodium aluminum phosphate, Sodium aluminum sulfate, Sourdough


The following lists items which contain Baking Powder and/or Baking Soda (or Sodium Bicarbonate) and/or YEAST and/or Baker’s Yeast. All of these need to be avoided during the Days of Unleavened Bread:

Baking Powder; Malt; Flour (with yeast or leaven);Crackers; Bread; Bagels; Muffins; Hamburger and Hot Dog Buns; Garlic Bread; Baguettes; Cheese Straws; Sausage Rolls; Corn Dogs; Sour Dough; Biscuits; Pretzel; (some) Cereals; Cheese Puffs; Cake; Pastry; (some) Pies; Cookies; Ice Cream Cones and Wafers; (some) Ice Cream with added Cookies; Pancakes; Waffles; Puff Pastry; Self-Rising Flour; Graham Crackers; Bread Crumbs; Deep-Fried Chicken; Anything battered, i.e., Onion Rings or Fish; Croutons; Flour Tortillas; Burritos; Soft Tacos; Kit Kat; Wafer Biscuits; (some) Candy; (some) Candy Bars; Chinese Orange Chicken; Kentucky Fried Chicken (KFC) Breaded Chicken; (some) Cereal Bars; Granola Bars; Ramen Noodles; (most) Bacon Bits, Cakes, Cereals, Coffee with cereal additives, Leavened bread, rolls; croissants, doughnuts, Wheat, barley, oats, spelt, rye.


Fresh fruit, fresh vegetables, Eggs, fresh fish, fresh meat and poultry, Potatoes,Corn Meal, Tortillas, Noodles, Matzos, Milk & Cheese (dairy products should not be mixed with meat), Nuts, Peas, Beans, Rice, Quinoa,Cinnamon Pebbles, Cocoa Pebbles, Fruity Pebbles, Honey bunches of oats chocolate, Cheerios, Honey Nut Cheerios, Chocolate Chex, Cinnamon Chex, Fruits and Oats Chex, Honey Nut Chex, Rice Chex, Vanilla Chex, Chickpea Pasta, Brown Rice Pasta, Quinoa Pasta, Black bean spaghetti, Kosher meats (no breading or coating), Tortilla chips, 100% fruit or vegetable juice, Rice, Matzo meal, Matzo cake meal, Corn, Green beans, Okra, Beans, Lentils, Quinoa, Fish (tuna, salmon, whiting, etc.), Mission Gluten Free soft taco tortillas, Some gluten-free flours (potato, almond, etc.), Bob’s Red Mill Gluten Free All Purpose Baking Flour, Simple Truth Organic Gluten Free Coconut Flour, Cream of Rice Gluten Free, Krusteaz Gluten Free All Purpose Flour, Taco shells, Peanut butter, Grits, Some pasta sauces (Please read label), Cornmeal, Oatmeal, Raisins, Olives, Ketchup, mustard, mayo (Please read label), Mashed potatoes (boxed), Oat milk, almond milk, and rice milk



Can't make it to Passover 2022 and want to join us for the Passover Meal Virtually? 

We will be live streaming for families that would like to join us for this year’s Pesach  Meal (only) online using Zoom Video Conferencing, YouTube, and Facebook on April 15, 2022, from 7:00-10:00 pm. Many from all over the world are expected to join the Great Awakening to observe Passover Meal remotely in this unprecedented time. This year, we ask you and your families to join us and other families around the world for a virtual Passover Meal and Banquet Experience of a lifetime. This year, more than ever, we need to be together with our families around the table, drawn together by personal connections and reflecting on what our ancestors overcame as they came out of Egypt. Your friends and extended family are invited to join in, too!

This won’t be an ordinary Passover Experience. The Interactive Virtual Pesach Meal will give you and your family the opportunity to actively participate.  


How to Connect with Us?

On April 15, 2022, at 7:00pm, you can access the following outlets to connect with us in three different ways to experience Passover 2022:
Click here for ZOOM Instructions as to how to download Zoom onto your computer, smart device or tablet.
Interactive Meal Programs
Friday, April 15, 2022, 7:00 pm Communal Passover Meal Passover Celebration:
Our Communal Passover Meal Passover Celebration will be led by Dr. Kenneth Howard. Click here for the Passover Program Guide for you to follow along with us via Zoom, Facebook or YouTube. The Passover Meal Program will also be conveniently displayed on the screen during the event. The program is expected to last at least 70 minutes.

In preparation for the Seder celebration, it is customary to remove all leaven (chametz) from our homes (Exodus 12:15, 19). As a result, the removal of leaven signifies the attitude of penitence, the willingness to remove any corrupting influence in our lives and submit to YHVH in obedience. As the Hebrews prepared for the exodus by obeying the commands of YHVH through Moses, so in removing the chametz, we symbolize our willingness to obey YHVH in preparation for celebrating the deliverance he has already brought to His people. We have included a list of Types of Leavening Agents to get out of your home and a list of Foods You Can Eat during the 7 days of Passover.

In order to fully participate in the Meal and Passover Celebration, below are a few things that you should have in your possession. On the table is a Seder Plate, representing traditional items that depict the Hebrew deliverance from slavery. These are required items:
  1. Passover plate according to Exodus 12:
  • Zaroah – Lamb represents the Passover Lamb
  • Matzah – Unleavened Bread (the Bread of Affliction)
  • Maror – Bitter Herbs (Horseradish)
  1. You will also need a kosher or unfermented wine (not biblical).
  • Kosher Wine
  1. Other traditional items on the Passover table are:
  • Candles
  1. Traditional Unleavened Meal to eat after the celebration
The elements on the Passover plate are traditionally used as representations to assist us with retelling the story of the exodus. They will incorporate the use of all our senses; sound, sight, taste, touch, and smell. These items will serve to remind us that we are to guard our gateways so that we do not fall back into bondage. 



Feast Benevolence

If you fellowship with any Great Awakening Assembly need some financial assistance in order to attend. Please contact any GAI Moreh and he will submit your name to the Event and Feast Day Committee. We don’t want money to be a reason why someone is unable to feast with other believers…especially if you want to be immersed.

For those who can afford to help others, you can contribute a donation toward the feast-going fund to help anyone with the costs of attending. This fund is separate from the Event and Feast Committee operating expenses of the Great Awakening.

To contribute a donation to the Fund, you do so by clicking here.


Feast Day Committee

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