The Scriptures itself dictates the counting of the seven weeks following Passover Holiday. Counting the omer (Leviticus 23:15-16) refers to the 49-day period between Passover (Pesach) and the Biblical Holiday of Pentecost (Shabuot).
In accordance with the scriptures, Great Awakening Assemblies is hosting a PENTECOST WEEKEND EXPERIENCE May 30-June 2, in Detroit, MI, the birth of the Great Awakening International.
Participants will witness a powerful flow of PROPHECY, PROPHETIC WORSHIP, PENETRATING TEACHING, and a manifestation of the GIFTS OF THE SPIRIT (RUACH) remembering the Feast of the Weeks (Pentecost) in which the Disciples received the fulfillment of the ReNewed Covenant of the Law and gift of the Holy Spirit and began to speak with different tongues and all men of all nations understood them as if they spoke in their native tongue in which they were born on the Holy Day of PENTECOST (Acts 2).
Enjoy a rare opportunity to spend time learning and exploring this Holy Day with a diverse mix of people from around the country. Throughout the weekend there a number of worship services, fellowships, programs, immersions and activities to choose from. Families from all over will gather together with us to create a marvelous extended family and community.
Shabuot is a major festival having historical and agricultural significance; it marks the end of the barley harvest and the beginning of the wheat harvest. In Exodus 34:22 the Hebrew Shavuot is identified as the Feast of Weeks OR the Feast of Harvest in Exodus 23:16. The Greek name “Pentecost”, which means fiftieth, is FIRST found in Acts 2:1. Counting of the days from Passover to Shavuot is called “counting of the Shabbats”.
Shabuot is considered the closing festival of the Passover season in Exodus 34:22; Leviticus 23:15; Deuteronomy 16:9-10; this day is further referred to as “latter Firstfruits” of the spring harvest. The “early Firstfruits” (barley) WAS waved before Shabuot.
YHWH during the Feast of Firstfruits and the “latter fruits” (wheat) were offered unto YHWH during the Feast of Weeks. It is also referred to as the “Day of the congregation or assembly” in Deuteronomy 18:16. Another name is Atserret, meaning stop, cease or conclusion of 7 weeks of counting.
Shabuot is the only festival for which no specific date is given in the bible. Rather the people were instructed to count 7 weeks “…from the morrow after the Sabbath, from the day that you brought the sheaf (omer) of the wave offering (Leviticus 23:15); it is the successful conclusion of the first wheat-growing season and the anniversary celebration of the giving of the Torah on Mt. Sinai.
It is the celebration to reawaken and strengthen personal relationships with YHWH by rededication to the observance and study of the Torah. When YHWH revealed himself on Mt. Sinai, his people heard his voice proclaiming the Ten Commandments. Then the Israelites pledged their allegiance to YHWH by saying “…all that YHWH has said we will do and be obedient.” (Exodus 24:7)
Shabuot is one of the three times when all Hebrew men are required to appear before YHWH (Exodus 23:17; Deuteronomy 16:16) Historically, the main activity on the feast of Shavuot was the presentation of the wave offering to YHWH, two loaves of bread with leaven (Leviticus 23:15-21). The bread was to be brought with seven male lames, a young bull and two rams, as burnt offerings (Leviticus 23:18). The sin offering was a male goat (Leviticus 23:19)
The wave offering expressed the Hebrew dependence on YHWH for the harvest and their daily bread. This was a thanksgiving offering. The link between Passover and Shabuot is the Omer. The second night of Passover the barley is harvested, and the first sheaf is waved before the altar in the temple. On Shabuot two loaves are waved as an offering before the same alter. This one day is to be kept with a holy convocation. It is one of the days on which all Israel is to meet Elohim and one another, at the place where YHWH chooses.
Shabuot signifies the process of freedom started with the exodus at Passover, and concluded with the proclamation of the Toray (law) at Sinai. On the day when Moses received the Torah, three thousand souls died due to disobedience (Exodus 32:28). YHWH has never taken his covenant with us casually. He is a Jealous Elohim. While on one hand He desired and still desires intimacy with us, he also is committed in marriage to us by his rights as a husband. When we violate him, through spiritual adultery, we may indeed face his jealous wrath.
The Two Loaves of Bread
The outpouring of the Ruach HaKodesh (Holy Spirit) transpired on the very day the Hebrews were offering the two waved loaves to Elohim representing their reliance on Him. The two wave loaves with leaven offered to YHWH may represent the Hebrews and Gentiles, both sinners having leaven in their lives, who are able to receive the baptism of the Ruach HaKodesh (Holy Spirit) through the Messiah. These were promises made by John the Baptist and the risen Messiah (Luke 3:16; 24:49; Acts 1:8) and are now fulfilled on Shabuot. The two loaves may also represent two witnesses. He that despised Moses’ law died without mercy under two or three witnesses (Hebrew 10:28). The law of Moses is associated with two witnesses; Shavuot is associated with the law and the two loaves. Witnesses were always connected with the law through the bible; likewise the two loaves and the law are associated with Shavuot (Pentecost). Yahusha said that they would become witnesses after they were baptized with the Ruach (spirit) on Shavuot (Acts 1:3-9). The followers of the Messiah obtained a mission through the dramatic descent of the Ruach HaKodesh (Holy Spirit); this was no new religion but rather a re-wakening of their conviction that YHWH, the promised Messiah, would reappear to restore His kingdom on the earth.
Messianic Significance of the Feast of Weeks (Shavuot)
Shabuot (Pentecost) not only memorializes the first giving of the Torah written on tablets of stone, but it also commemorates on the same day many years later the giving of the Ruach HaKodesh (Holy Spirit).
In Acts 2, we see YHWH’s marvelous timing, thousands of Hebrews had journeyed to Yerushalayim (Jerusalem) to celebrate the Feast of Weeks (Shavuot). The disciples waiting in the upper room were filled with the Ruach HaKodesh (Holy Spirit) and began to worship Elohim in foreign languages that were spoken and understood by the Hebrew pilgrims; that day three thousand souls were saved.
The Torah of Elohim has been written in the heart of every believer. “But this shall be the covenant that I will make with the house of Israel after those days saith YHWH. I will put my Torah (law) in their inward parts, and write it in their hearts; and will be their Elohim and they shall be My people (Lo Ami)(Jeremiah 31:33).
Shabuot has several names; The feast of Pentecost (Pentecost means 50); Feast of Weeks; Day of the Qahol (assembly or church as some may call it). Shavuot is the plural – feast of weeks and Shavuah is the singular. There are seven weeks between Shavuot (Passover) and Shavuot (Pentecost) giving us a total of 49 days plus one for fifty days.
Chalav is Hebrew for milk. The gematria (Hebrew numerical value) for milk is 40, reminding us of the number of days and nights that Moshe (Moses) remained on Mt. Sinai. Milk is associated with the nurturing generosity of a loving caring mother giving life and sustenance to her baby.
Yah is also referred to as El Shaddai which means “the God who is more than enough” or “the all sufficient one”. Shad in the Hebrew means breast. Shadaim is the plural and indicates sufficiency and nourishment. Yah’s complete sufficiency to nurture his fledgling nation or “baby” in fruitfulness. Shaddai is also an acronym for the phrase “shomer daltot Yisrael” which means “Guardian of the doors of Israel”. He is our sustainer. He is our source. It is this supreme love that connects to the anniversary of the giving of the Torah on Mt. Sinai. New beginnings and connecting to the source is what Shavuot is all about.
During Shabuot 2024, you and your family will be staying in Towers Residential Suites of Wayne State University in Detroit, MI.
Towers Residential Suites
655 W. Kirby Detroit, MI 48202
General information
Building style
- Residence Hall
Room types
- Suites
Bathroom style
- Private Bath
- ~880 Primarily undergraduate students.
Amenities & services
- ADA Rooms Available
- Secure Wired and Wireless Internet
- Card entry for suites
- Study rooms and social lounges on each floor
- Fully equipped on-site laundry facilities
- Free cable TV available
- Multi-purpose and study lounges
- Workout and kitchenettes on floors
- First-floor common area living room
Dining in building
- Towers Café
Dining near building
- Dunkin Donuts
- Subway
- Freshii
This suite style lodging allows for GAI to keep registration costs very low without the hassle of expensive hotel rooms, accommodate all guests and their families, and help us maintain a communal close-knit bond and family togetherness that many of you have come to appreciate about GAI Feast Day events.
Unless you plan to room with a registered person indicated on your registration form, GAI will select a person to room with you. Single rooms are available upon request and with a slight upcharge. However, we recommend that all attendees share sleeping quarters with one other attendee of the same sex to maximize the full Shabuot bonding experience. Our highest priorities are to keep families together and to provide separate sleeping suites or floors for single men and women attendees.
Dormitories do not include any bedding or linens (sheets, pillows, blankets, washcloths). You must bring your own bedding and linen.
All-inclusive Lodging and food from Thursday-Monday is $250 for Adults, $150 for Ages 3-17, Free for Children 2 & under, $220 for Ages 60+, $120 for commuters. (these prices do not include the Banquet Cruise).
Registration includes:
- Lunch and Dinner Daily
- 4 Nights of Lodging
- Access Card
- Fitness Center
- Recreational Activities
- Teshuvah Night Gathering
- Shabuot Gathering
- Cookout Gathering
Sunday Night dinner will be provided for those who do not plan on attending the Post Shabuot Dinner Cruise on the Detroit Princess Riverboat. the Post Shabuot Dinner Cruise on the Detroit Princess Riverboat is a separate fee from Shabuot (See schedule).
Morah Moriyah 954-994-7685 or Achoti Yolanda at 313-520-3062.
Join the Mishpacha for a night of elegance and celebration of the Torah. The Post Shabuot Boat Cruise sponsored by Great Awakening International promises to be an event like no other. The Princess River Boat in Detroit, MI will be the venue for this dinner and event.
This will be a memorable evening on board the Midwest's largest dinner boat as she cruises the blue-green water of the Detroit River.
On Sunday June 2, 2024 at 6:00pm to 10:00pm you will board the Princess, with active cruise time starting at 7:00 p.m. Attendees will take in the beautiful architecture and riverfront of downtown Detroit, the rural beauty of Belle Isle and the skyline/waterfront areas of Windsor, Ontario in Canada. We encourage Mishpacha to dress in all-White attire. A four-entree dinner Buffet, live music, and a unique ceremony will highlight the night.
Your Shavuot Registration fee does not cover the price of the Dinner Cruise. The price for the Dinner Cruise is $85. Children 5 and under are Free. THE REGISTRATION DEADLINE IS MAY 26, 2024. The Great Awakening Assembly International and guests will be on a Private Deck Banquet Room 300 maximum guests.
8 guests are allowed per table with guests required to enjoy all food and beverages while seated.
Served Station Style Dinner featuring:
- Carved Prime Rib
- Salmon w/dill sauce
- Baked Chicken
- Vegetarian Lasagna
- Chef’s Choice of Potato
- Cheese Tortellini w/ Pesto Cream Sauce
- Wild Rice
- Steamed Fresh Vegetables
- Michigan Tossed Salad with add-ons
- Rolls
- Chef’s Choice of Dessert
- coffee, hot tea, and water
Are you flying to Metro Detroit Airport and need a ride to Wayne State University? Stress-free transportation is a critical part of attending any Great Awakening Event, but oftentimes it’s forgotten about. Participants flying in for Shabuot 2024 are encouraged to use the Detroit Air Xpress (DAX) transportation system from DTW Airport to Downtown Detroit.
The DAX drop-off location is about 10 minutes from the Wayne State University dorms, 655 W. Kirby St. The GAI shuttle van will pick up from 1119 Washington Blvd. as follows:
The Shuttle Schedule will be composed by the Transportation team based on DAX pck up schedule you provide us. The schedule will be posted in our Shabout 2024 Transportation group in Whatsapp by May 20.
Questions should be emailed to Transportation@GreatAwakeInt.o
As a courtesy of The Great Awakening, we will pick you up from Downtown Detroit and take you to Wayne State University.
Modesty & Alcohol Statement
Discussions about modesty and inappropriate behavior are difficult in a desensitized and lawless culture, but Great Awakening International has been silent for too long on these matters. We can no longer afford to be silent on this issue because modern culture continually drives an immodest agenda that is infiltrating our community.
As Torah-observant believers, we are obliged to address issues concerning immodest clothing and behavior. However, when confrontation is necessary, it must be approached in a biblical, grace-filled way within the context of a loving community. Now is the time to address Modesty, Alcohol, and Music at our featured Set-Apart Events.
While the Great Awakening International is unaware of the lifestyles of individuals invited as guests to our PUBLIC EVENTS, we will enforce a strict modesty code that is reflective of righteousness and modesty as Torah-observant believers.
Our public events are mainly family-oriented events where children will be present. Any inappropriateness that does not promote a Kodesh lifestyle can have a negative impact on impressionable children. We are committed to doing what most children cannot do for themselves; guard themselves against unnecessary temptations and environments where inappropriateness is allowed.
Furthermore, we are far from the “Fashion Police,” Cleavage Patrol” and Modesty Mafia” however, seductive and enticing apparel will not be welcomed at Great Awakening International future events, as it serves as a temptation and is not synonymous with a Set-Apart environment. Examples of immodest apparel are:
- Tight-fitting pants showing curves and imprints of the groin area
- Spaghetti straps
- See-through garments
- Bodycon dresses
- Garments that cling to the body
- Dresses/skirts that come above the knees when sitting
- Garments that do not conceal undergarments/panty lines/bra straps
- Necklines that dip low and shows chest/cleavage
We’re cognizant that modesty is subjective and can be distinguishable from culture to culture. It can be ambiguous. Modesty has a wide lane, primarily because it's unknown what increases the desires of others (for example open-toe shoes may catch the attention of someone who has a foot fetish). If it's even a question of "is this appropriate?" then chances are, it's not.
Men and women are similar in their temptation to sin. These things affect both genders- “The lust of the flesh, the lust of the eyes, and the pride of life.” Both men and women have to be on guard against those things.
Proverbs 4:23 says, “Keep your heart with all diligence, for out of it spring the issues of life.”
Proverbs 23:7 says, “As a man thinks in his heart, so is he.”
Immodesty is an issue of the heart. We recognize that how attendees dress on the outside says a lot about what is going on on the inside. “The train of sin runs on tracks that were laid in the heart.” When one dresses inappropriately for set-apart events, they must be very honest with themselves about their motives.
-Why do I dress as I do?
-What kind of reactions am I trying to get?
The Great Awakening International is a proponent that our community should be unique and specific in our dress and look different from the world. Furthermore, the Great Awakening International is a proponent that men should wear attire gender-specific for men and women should wear clothing gender-tailored for women. No registered participant will be allowed entry into our SET-APART events wearing apparel that is specifically made for the opposite gender.
While we are open to unawakened nonbelievers attending our events, in hopes of sharing the Truth with them, we will not tolerate inappropriate behavior, dress, or speech. Modesty is born from a genuine heart to not stir up the desires in others that can’t be fulfilled righteously.
Modesty is an attitude of propriety and decency in dress, grooming, language, and behavior. 1 Timothy 2:8-10 states, “I will therefore that men pray everywhere, lifting up holy hands, without wrath and doubting. In like manner also, that women adorn themselves in modest apparel, with shamefacedness and sobriety; not with braided hair, or gold, or pearls, or costly array; But (which becometh women professing godliness) with good works”. If we are modest, we do not draw undue attention to ourselves. Instead, we seek to “glorify Yah in [our] body, and in [our] spirit” (1 Corinthians 6:19-20). Immodesty increases sin and a distraction among men (Leviticus 19:29). Modesty calls for a meek and quiet spirit, not loud and clamorous behavior, “But let it be the hidden man of the heart, in that which is not corruptible, even the ornament of a meek and quiet spirit, which is in the sight of Yah of great price (1 Peter 3:4) Proverbs 7:10-11 states, “And, behold, there met him a woman with the attire of an harlot, and subtil of heart. (She is loud and stubborn; her feet abide not in her house). Proverbs 9:13 mentions that “A foolish woman is clamorous: she is simple, and knoweth nothing.”
As the Children of Israel, our clothing expresses our values, customs, and ultimately who we are. It sends messages about us, and it influences the way we as Israel act. When we are modestly dressed, we can invite the companionship of the Ruach and exercise a good influence on those around us. We are not to conform to the ways of this world (Romans 12:2). We should not envy our oppressors and choose their way of dressing in strange apparel (Zephaniah 1:8) and how they conduct themselves (Proverbs 3:31). “Therefore, if anyone is in Yahusha, he is a new creation; old things have passed away; behold, all things have become new” (2 Corinthians 5:17).
Therefore, all participants and their invited guests to the Great Awakening International Set-Apart events must avoid clothing that is revealing or extreme in appearance to engage in our set-apart events.
Moving forward, registration will include a modesty clause that attendees must adhere to. This will be reflected on ALL future registration forms. All attendees and their guests must sign the current modesty clause to secure entry into our set-apart event.
Dressing modestly is our way of telling the world that we don’t play by their rules – we play by Yah’s rules.
Anyone that shows up to any Great Awakening International set-apart event not adhering to the modesty policy dated January 2023, will be reminded of the said clause that they signed, and given the opportunity to comply with the stated scriptures (1 Corinthians 6:19-20, 1 Timothy 2:8-10). Should the individual refuse to comply they will be restored their funds and turned away from the event in love (Ephesians 4:15; 4:29; Colossians 4:6), never with personal opinions, judging or shaming, and never accompanied by gossip (Proverbs 11:12-13; 21:23).
We recognize everyone as a soul. Therefore, we have employed a new system of confronting the individual in a loving, biblical way with the hopes of conversion. We recognize that immodest behavior is typically a symptom of a deeper heart issue, and we want to minister to the heart before we change their attire.
However, public events (where registration is necessary) will be treated differently from outdoor outreaches and weekly Sabbath Gatherings where there is a chance that a guest can show up without knowledge of our modesty expectation. It is at this point that the Great Awakening will show unconditional love, apply grace once given to all of us, develop a relationship with the individual, and hope for an opportunity to teach them the standard of modesty. We recognize that we cannot scale a fish until we catch it first.
The Great Awakening International has decided not to enter into a contract with any venue that will have a wet bar open in our rented private event space(s). We understand that this could provide a temptation and a distraction from the purpose of our set-apart events.
Recognizing that the use and abuse of alcohol is an issue for some people within our reach, we strive to provide a safe sanctuary from the pain of addiction for those directly or indirectly affected by it. In addition, we admit that intoxication has the potential to impact clarity and understanding, thereby limiting our access to spiritual Truth.
We also recognize the exercise of freedom to choose to drink alcoholic beverages responsibly and in moderation. The Bible provides numerous examples of the responsible use of alcohol as well as condemnation for “drunkenness”. The Great Awakening International affirms the right of individuals in conscience to make responsible choices between abstention and moderate, non-problematic use. However, to avoid the potential of intoxication and the ensuing behavior that follows it, we will no longer hold events at venues where there is open access to alcoholic beverages.
Therefore, the Great Awakening International encourages and supports abstention at all of our Set-Apart activities. Moderate drinking in low-risk situations not provided by the venue in private rented spaces will not be opposed. Heavy drinking in any situation is vigorously discouraged by Great Awakening International.
While there is no “Thou shalt not …” with regard to secular music in the Bible, we know that some music degenerates into immoral behavior. Therefore, Set-apart music will be the preferred choice at all future Great Awakening International events. Great Awakening International will be monitoring all musical selections from guest bands and musicians moving forward. Henceforth, we are putting a moratorium on all outside bands/musical guests and will only be using awakened, Ruach-filled, and Torah-observant musicians for future events.
Consent to use Photo / Video
The Great Awakening International reserves the right to use any photograph/video taken at any event sponsored by Great Awakening, without the expressed written permission of those included within the photograph/video. Great Awakening may use the photograph/video in publications or other media material produced, used, or contracted by Great Awakening including but not limited to: brochures, invitations, books, newspapers, magazines, television, websites, etc.
To ensure the privacy of individuals and children, images will not be identified using full names or personal identifying information without written approval from the photographed subject, parent, or legal guardian
By participating in Shavuot 2024, attendees give their permission to be photographed or recorded by official photographers, videographers, and attending media of the Great Awakening International. Attendees consent to their images and video being reproduced for subsequent use in the media, webcasts, internal and external promotional purposes, advertising, and inclusion on websites and social media. Images are shared publicly with open access for use.
Great Awakening photographers and other registered press representatives will be taking photographs and videotaping portions of the Passover.
Attendees are entitled to take photographs at Great Awakening International for their own personal, spiritual, educational, and/or advocacy purposes. The Great Awakening will not be liable if attendees object to being photographed in these circumstances.
Feast Benevolence
If you fellowship with any Great Awakening Assembly and are in need of some financial assistance in order to attend. Please contact any GAI Moreh and he will submit your name to the Event and Feast Day Committee. We don’t want money to be a reason why someone is unable to feast with other believers…especially if you want to be immersed.
For those who can afford to help others, you can contribute a donation toward the feast-going fund to help anyone with the costs of attending. This fund is separate from the Event and Feast Committee operating expenses of the Great Awakening.
To contribute a donation to the Fund, you do so by clicking here.